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COMSOL is a cross-platform software that runs on the Windows(R), Mac(R), and Linux(R) operating systems.The Model Builder includes all steps in the methodology of modeling work -- defining geometries and material properties, specifying the physics that describes specific phenomena, performing calculations, and evaluating results. When you have developed a model, you can use the Application Builder to turn it into a simulation application with a dedicated user interface that can be used by...
COMSOL is a cross-platform software that runs on the Windows(R), Mac(R), and Linux(R) operating systems.The Model Builder includes all steps in the methodology of modeling work -- defining geometries and material properties, specifying the physics that describes specific phenomena, performing calculations, and evaluating results. When you have developed a model, you can use the Application Builder to turn it into a simulation application with a dedicated user interface that can be used by collaborators and customers who are not experts in simulation software. . To help you organize your models and applications, the COMSOL Multiphysics (R) platform also includes the Model Manager , which is a simulation modeling and management tool that provides version control and efficient data storage. You can add any combination of add-on products from the COMSOL product suite to the COMSOL Multiphysics (R) software platform . This allows you to access specialized features to meet your particular m
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Nombres de pages : 220
ISBN : Bookelis

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