Mastering the API Development and Security with Flask

A Comprehensive Guide to Building Robust and Secure APIs


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Genre : Informatique et Internet
Unlock the art of creating robust and secure APIs with "Mastering API Development and Security with Flask." This comprehensive guide is designed for developers of all levels looking to harness the power of Flask, a lightweight and flexible Python web framework, to develop high-performance and secure APIs. In this book, you will learn how to: Set Up Flask: Install and configure Flask to quickly get started with your first API. Create Routes and Handle Requests: Understand how to define...
Unlock the art of creating robust and secure APIs with "Mastering API Development and Security with Flask." This comprehensive guide is designed for developers of all levels looking to harness the power of Flask, a lightweight and flexible Python web framework, to develop high-performance and secure APIs. In this book, you will learn how to: Set Up Flask: Install and configure Flask to quickly get started with your first API. Create Routes and Handle Requests: Understand how to define routes, manage requests, and responses to build efficient APIs. Validate Input Data: Use libraries like Marshmallow to ensure the validity and security of the data exchanged. Connect to a Database: Integrate SQLAlchemy for robust CRUD operations and effective database management. Modularize Code with Blueprints: Organize your code modularly for better maintainability and scalability. Test Your API: Implement automated tests with pytest to ensure the reliability of your API. Handle Errors: Learn to manage errors elegantly to provide clear and helpful responses to users. Monitor and Log: Set up logging and monitoring mechanisms to maintain and optimize your API's performance. Secure Your API: Implement essential security techniques such as authentication, authorization, data validation, and encryption to protect your sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access. This book is more than just a technical manual; it's an essential companion for any developer looking to master the best practices of API development and security. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find practical advice, concrete examples, and exercises to deepen your knowledge and enhance your skills. Invest in your professional future by learning how to build solid and secure APIs with Flask. Buy "Mastering API Development and Security with Flask" today and transform the way you develop web applications.
Informations techniques
Date de publication : 01/06/2024
Livre de type : Numérique
Numérique 979-10-424-4928-5 Bookelis

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Mastering the API Development and Security with Flask

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