Luminous Discussion with a Spirit of Truth - Goal, Understand Life (God!) - Volume 1

Are we not at the Dawn of God's Last Judgment?


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Genre : Religion
"" But despite all the efforts of Parzival, King of the Holy Grail and Son of Man promised by Jesus Christ, this dark wound can only be closed through the Last Judgment! The Germs of human Spirits deeply lost in their total unconsciousness of the Original and Pure Laws of God had allowed themselves to be diverted too much from the Current of Light which should make them return to their true and eternal Spiritual Homelands close to the Kingdom of God the Father; they...
"" But despite all the efforts of Parzival, King of the Holy Grail and Son of Man promised by Jesus Christ, this dark wound can only be closed through the Last Judgment! The Germs of human Spirits deeply lost in their total unconsciousness of the Original and Pure Laws of God had allowed themselves to be diverted too much from the Current of Light which should make them return to their true and eternal Spiritual Homelands close to the Kingdom of God the Father; they have lost the right notions of it. At least, they prefer to define everything on their own, based on the little consciousness and lower (intellectual) faculties that they have been able to develop in Matter. Souls have, by the millions, become entangled in erroneous or distorted conceptions about the Origin and Purpose of Life, very cleverly erected by the countless, sinister and pretentious, Luciferian works carried out by many fallen human Spirits. " Excerpt from content.....
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Nombres de pages : 198
ISBN : 979-10-359-8476-2Bookelis

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Luminous Discussion with a Spirit of Truth - Goal, Understand Life (God!) - Volume 1

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