The Last Battle : Keeping the Faith

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Genre : Religion
In the midst of the tumults of modern life, where the soul can feel dark and disenchanted, where the truth sometimes seems hidden, it is crucial to turn to divine grace. This grace, revealed through the Father's ultimate act of love offering his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for the salvation of the world, invites us to deep reflection. Faith in Jesus and sincere repentance are essential pillars. True faith is manifested in genuine repentance, leading to a change of heart and...
In the midst of the tumults of modern life, where the soul can feel dark and disenchanted, where the truth sometimes seems hidden, it is crucial to turn to divine grace. This grace, revealed through the Father's ultimate act of love offering his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for the salvation of the world, invites us to deep reflection. Faith in Jesus and sincere repentance are essential pillars. True faith is manifested in genuine repentance, leading to a change of heart and actions. By forsaking our sins and receiving divine forgiveness through Jesus' sacrifice, we are purified to produce fruits worthy of our divine identity. Walking the path of truth sometimes requires questioning established dogmas and striving for a renewed vision. This may involve inner storms, but the quest for truth and a deeper understanding of divinity is worth every effort. The Holy Spirit works silently in us, regenerating us in the redemptive blood of Jesus for a new spiritual birth.
Informations techniques
Nombres de pages : 82
ISBN : 979-10-424-0193-1Bookelis

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The Last Battle : Keeping the Faith

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