The Face of God: The Quest for Spirituality and Transcendence

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Genre : Religion
In this modern world where materialism reigns supreme, the quest for spirituality and transcendence is more vital than ever for humanity. In his book "The Face of God", the author offers us a deep exploration of this universal quest. Through a rigorous analysis of the spiritual tradition and its various manifestations, the author shows us how spirituality can be a source of wisdom, healing and personal transformation. It invites us to...
In this modern world where materialism reigns supreme, the quest for spirituality and transcendence is more vital than ever for humanity. In his book "The Face of God", the author offers us a deep exploration of this universal quest. Through a rigorous analysis of the spiritual tradition and its various manifestations, the author shows us how spirituality can be a source of wisdom, healing and personal transformation. It invites us to become aware of the importance of cultivating our relationship with the divine. But the author is not content to offer us a simple intellectual analysis of spirituality. Rather, it invites us to a deep and personal experience of transcendence through meditation, prayer, and contemplation of nature. "The Face of God" is a book that touches the heart and mind. If you're looking to broaden your spiritual horizon, this is the book for you.
Informations techniques
Nombres de pages : 300
ISBN : 979-10-424-0276-1Bookelis

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The Face of God: The Quest for Spirituality and Transcendence

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