The Man of the House

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Genre : Romans
Lucas trudged up the familiar path to his front door, his backpack weighing heavily on his shoulders. It had been a long day at school, and all he wanted was the comfort of his own room. As he reached for the doorknob, a peculiar sense of unease crept up his spine. Something felt different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Pushing the door open, Lucas found his mother, Sarah, sitting in the living room, her hands folded neatly in her lap. She looked up as he entered, a...
Lucas trudged up the familiar path to his front door, his backpack weighing heavily on his shoulders. It had been a long day at school, and all he wanted was the comfort of his own room. As he reached for the doorknob, a peculiar sense of unease crept up his spine. Something felt different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Pushing the door open, Lucas found his mother, Sarah, sitting in the living room, her hands folded neatly in her lap. She looked up as he entered, a tentative smile on her face. "Lucas, honey, I'm glad you're home. We need to talk." Lucas felt his heart skip a beat. He had learned to dread those words, especially in the past two years since his father's passing. Carefully, he lowered his backpack to the floor and joined his mother on the couch, bracing himself for whatever news she had to share. Sarah reached out and squeezed his hand gently. "You know how much I love you, right?" she began, her voice soft and laced with emotion. "And you know that I've been trying to move forward, to find happiness again, after your father..." Lucas felt a familiar lump in his throat at the mention of his father. It had been two long, agonizing years since the car accident that had taken him away. In the aftermath, Lucas had assumed the role of "the man of the house," doing his best to support his grieving mother and keep their family afloat. "What is it, Mom?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Sarah took a deep breath and met his gaze, her eyes shining with a mixture of joy and trepidation. "Lucas, I'm getting married. Michael proposed, and I said yes." The words hit Lucas like a ton of bricks, the air rushing out of his lungs. His eyes widened in shock, and he pulled his hand away from his mother's, his mind racing. Michael. The name stirred a familiar sense of unease within Lucas. He was his mother's boyfriend of the past eight months, a kind and patient man whom Lucas had tolerated, but never truly accepted. And now, he was about to become his stepfather. "No," Lucas blurted out, shaking his head vehemently. "You can't be serious. You're just... you're just replacing Dad, like he never even existed!" Sarah's expression crumbled, and she reached out to Lucas, but he leaned away, unwilling to be comforted. "Oh, Lucas, it's not like that at all. Your father will always hold a special place in my heart, and in our family. But I need to move forward, and Michael... Michael makes me happy. He loves us, and he wants to be a part of our family." Lucas felt the familiar tightness in his chest, the telltale sign that he was about to lose control of his emotions. "But I'm the man of the house now," he argued, his voice trembling. "I take care of you, just like Dad did. You don't need some stranger to come in and take over." Sarah's eyes filled with tears, and she reached out again, this time successfully grasping Lucas's hands in her own. "You'll always be my little boy, Lucas. Nothing can ever change that. But I need you to understand that Michael isn't trying to replace your father. He's here to support us, to be a partner in this new chapter of our lives." Lucas felt the tears stinging his own eyes, but he blinked them back, unwilling to let his mother see his vulnerability. "I don't want a new chapter. I want things to go back to the way they were, before Dad..." His voice trailed off, the weight of his unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Sarah's expression softened, and she pulled Lucas into a tight embrace. "I know, honey. I know it's hard, and I wish I could change it too. But we have to keep moving forward, even when it's difficult."
Informations techniques
Date de publication : 19/07/2024
Livre de type : Numérique
Numérique Bookelis

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The Man of the House

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